虚 xū Xu
Xu refers to a state of thecosmos or a state of mind. Basically, it has two different meanings. The firstrefers to the origin of the universe, indicating that everything originatesfrom xu. Different ancient thinkers have different interpretations of thisnotion: Some take xu as being devoid of anything; others believe it is thestate of existence of qi (气). Because qi is invisible and formless, it issaid to be empty, but not a vacuum totally devoid of anything. The secondmeaning of xu refers to a state of mind that is peaceful, not preoccupied orsimply free of any preconceptions.
例句 Examples:
Xu is formless; it is theoriginal state of qi. (Zhang Zai: Enlightenment Through Confucian Teachings)
Dao gathers and presents itselfin an unoccupied and peaceful mind; being unoccupied means the pure state ofthe mind. (Zhuangzi)