

仁 rén Ren

[日期:2015-01-10] 来源:教育部新闻办官方微信  作者:微言教育 [字体: ]

rén Ren


The basic meaning of the term islove for others. Its extended meaning refers to the state of harmony amongpeople, and the unity of all things under heaven. Ren (仁) constitutesthe foundation and basis for moral behavior. It is also a consciousness thatcorresponds to the norms of moral behavior. Roughly put, ren has the followingthree implications: 1) compassion or conscience; 2) virtue of respect builtupon the relationship between fathers and sons and among brothers; and 3) theunity of all things under heaven. Confucianism holds ren as the highest moralprinciple. Ren is taken as love in the order of first showing filial piety toone’s parents and elder brothers, and then extendinglove and care to other members of the family, and eventually to everyone elseunder heaven.

例句 Examples:



Ren means to restrain one’s self andfollow social norms. (The Analects)



Ren is the principle of love andthe moral nature of human mind. (Zhu Xi: The Analects Variorum)

上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9..] [15] 下一页   
第1页:诚 chéng Sincerity
第2页:道 dào Dao (Way)
第3页:德 dé De
第4页:理 lǐ Li
第5页:气 qì Qi (Vital Force)
第6页:情 qíng Qing
第7页:趣 qù Qu
第8页:仁 rén Ren
第9页:天 tiān Tian (Heaven)
第10页:王 wáng King
第11页:物 wù Wu (Thing or Matter)
第12页:心 xīn Heart/Mind
第13页:性 xìng Xing (Nature)
第14页:虚 xū Xu
第15页:义 yì Righteousness



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