成语故事中英双解:熟能生巧 Skill comes from practice (2013-03-02) |
The Chinese idiom“熟能生巧”(skill comes from practice)is from this story. Here“熟”means “persistent practice” and“巧”refers to “skilled” or “dexterity”. It is a Chinese equivalent of “Practice makes perfect”. |
成语故事中英双解:郑人买履 How Li Si Buys his shoes (2013-03-02) |
The Chinese idiom,“郑人买履”(The man of Zheng buying shoes), comes from this story. In it,“郑”refer to the nation of Zheng, a country’s name, and“履”means shoes. This idiom mocks those inflexible people who are not willing and able to change according to different conditions or situations. |
成语故事中英双解:高山流水 Lofty Mountains and Flowing Water (2013-03-02) |
The word is from this story, meaning a man who can really appreciate another. The set phrase “高山流水”is usually used as an allusion that a soul mate is very difficult to meet/find. |
成语故事中英双解:闻鸡起舞 Rising Up upon Hearing the Crow of a Rooster to Practice the Sword (2013-03-02) |
The idiom “闻鸡起舞” is from this story, signifying that a person of noble aspirations exerts himself in time. |
成语故事中英双解:亡羊补牢 Mend the pen after the sheep are lost (2013-03-01) |
The Chinese idiom"亡羊补牢"(sometimes means "lock the stable door after the horse has bolted") comes from this story. Here"亡"means "be lost" nd"牢"refer to "the pen". This idiom, meaning one doesn't mend his pen until the sheep are lost, is a metaphor used to advise someone that even when he has made a mistake and suffered losses, he can still remedy it by drawing lessons from the mistake.
成语故事中英双解:南辕北辙 Aim south while driving northward (2013-03-01) |
1. 古时候,有个人看到一个朋友驾着马车飞跑,便问:“你要去哪里?” Once upon a time a man was driving his carriage very fast. His friend asked him, “Where are you going?” |
成语故事中英双解:百发百中 Every shot hits the target (2013-02-28) |
1古时候,有一个人叫养由基,很擅长射箭。 In ancient times, there was a skilled archer called Yang Youji.
2 养由基在离开柳树一百步的地方射柳叶,射一百次,一百次射中。 He was once tested to hit the willow leaves in a hundred paces away, and hit the target one hundred times without a single miss. |