
成语故事中英双解:高山流水 Lofty Mountains and Flowing Water

[日期:2013-03-02] 来源:  作者: [字体: ]

  1. 古时候,有个人叫俞伯牙,他很会弹琴。有个人叫钟子期,能听懂音乐。
  In ancient times, there was a man called Yu Boya who was highly skilled in playing the qin. There was also a woodcutter, named Zhong Ziqi ,who could understand his music.

  2. 伯牙弹奏时,心里想着高山。钟子期听了,说:“你弹出了高山的雄伟。”
  When Boya played a piece of music eulogizing the high mountains, the woodcutter said, "Wonderful! The melody is as magnificent and dignified as Mount Tai which reaches the sky!"

  3. 伯牙弹奏时,心里想着江河。钟子期听了,说:“你弹出了江河的浩荡。”
  And when he played a piece of music depicting the turbulent waves, the woodcutter said, "Wonderful! The melody is as vast and mighty as the great rivers!"

  4. 伯牙到泰山游玩,突然下起了大雨,伯牙一阵悲伤,便弹起琴来。伯牙每弹一曲,钟子期就能听出他弹的是什么。
  Once, Boya was boating to sightsee on Mount Tai, when it began to rain heavily. He felt a thrill of sadness and began to play the qin. Zhong Ziqi understood every piece of music that he played.

  5. 伯牙高兴地说:“你能知道我心里想的是什么,能听懂我的音乐,你是我的知音啊。”
  Boya became very excited and said: "Bosom friend! You know what I think and understand what I play. You are really my soul mate!" Since then, they had been very good friends.

  New Words
  ①弹琴:play the qin         ②高山:the high mountains        ③雄伟:magnificent and dignified
  ④江河:the great rivers     ⑤浩荡:vast and mighty

  Culture Tips 
  Yu Boya was a famous music master during the Jin Dynasty’s Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC) in ancient China’s Shanxi province. The qin he played is also called guqin or guzheng. It is a typical Chinese zither with a history of more than 2,500 years, known as the East Piano.

  Language Points
  知音 A soul mate
  The word is from this story, meaning a man who can really appreciate another. The set phrase “高山流水”is usually used as an allusion that a soul mate is very difficult to meet/find.
  Eg: 西西和东东是好朋友,他们互相帮助,真是一对知音。
   Xixi and Dongdong are good friends. They always help each other. They are really a pair of soul mates!

  Reading Comprehension
  1. Who was highly skilled in playing the qin?
  (a)伯牙     (b)钟子期
  2. Who could understand Yu Boya’s music?
  (a)钟子期   (b)知音
  3.To whom did the pair of soul mates in the story refer?
  (a)高山和流水   (b)伯牙和钟子期



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