
華文講座19.華文與西文,孰優?九  2002-10-18











( 註 解 與 引 證 很 重 要。請閱。)


漢語大詞典是中國共産制度下編成的一套最大詞典.1993年完成出版.筆者曾數總收有 22,745單字.( 1968年的中文大辭典總收有 49,905 ).其中約有:

      2,023 字是沒有注音成份    (包括重制及異形字)         8.2%

     20,722 字是表意兼有注音成份(包括重字)              91.8%

      1,013 字曾被用爲注音符號.                            4.1%




由此可見,華文系統用爲注音的字比拼音系統較爲多.學習華文系統的注音字必須更多時間,是理所當然.但學識英文字母後, 卻不能朗誦正確英文詞語(請參考:華文講座 12 英文的真相,注3引證)。 筆者從[中文大辭典][漢語大詞典]收集8,180(包括古今正體,繁體,簡體,常用,少用字), 歸納爲1,013(不是部). 學生只需要認識1,013個系首(專用爲注音及注字義的字, 不是<部首>)的字音及一條簡單的 < IS > 文字規律後, 便可識讀正確8,180個生字(不計例外的變音,變調及異音字). 如果學生每天能記憶20個系首, 50日後便可識讀8,000個生字. 再加學識那些常用的例外變音,變調及異音字後, 便可閱讀報章雜誌,便可解除文盲. 估計學習識讀華文的時間大約在三四個月。這只是理說,尚需要實習試驗來證實。部首幫助理解部分字義。系首幫助讀音與理解字義(多數)

    華文詳解第一集』說解 336 個基本字,採用『部系識字』法,只要教導學生認識282個字音及一條文字規律後,便保證識讀2,349個生字.(全部列在書內爲證. 包括繁體簡體及古今常用, 少用等字). 如果, 一個初學華文的人, 每天, 能記憶20個字音, 則不出20, 便可識讀2,349個生字了! 本書務簡單實用, 事半功倍。





國際音標不實用(24.2 )。英國基本音符abc(通常稱為字母)不足用,必要更新。愛爾蘭的著名劇作家壽左治(George Bernard Show)曾把遺產做懸賞給哪個人能創造出一套符合英語的情況。 結果,1962年有一套48個基音符(字母)提出。這套基音符型式完全不同羅馬ABC字形。另一套稱謂『新單音基音符』(The New Single-Sound Alphabet)只有40個符號。但是這兩套『基本音符』都不流行。又有另外一套由畢曼金爵士(Sir James Pitman)提供,似乎得到很多英美兩國學校接納使用。這套稱謂『初學基音符』(The Initial Teaching Alphabet) 44個基音符。『初學基音符』只用在第一年級。先讓學生識讀好之後,才轉過閱讀傳統的無理性拼音英文。(24.3)




美國學者,專家不但不承認英語是美國官方語文,而且還努力擦除英語文詞呢!!!(25) 世界上,有很多國家對英語已産生反感,甚至有些國家還禁止國民不得使用英語文(26).唯有華文才能經受得起風雨,歲月的摧殘,才能保持貫通二千年的人類思情.大部份華文(90%)都有注意兼注音。華文可比如電視機既有影像且有聲音。注音文字,可比如收音機,只有聲音而沒有影像。 可說,華文是目前最優良的文字系統!但是不是完全完美。如果說 每一個華文 好象一顆珍珠,則可說這堆珍珠混有很多魚目,需要篩選整理。



24.1 Is our language sick?.... 'The standard of speech and pronunciation in England has declined so much... that one is almost ashamed to let foreigners hear it', moaned a writer in a daily newspaper. 'The language the world is crying out to learn is diseased in it own country', ranted another. 'We are plagued with idiots on radio and television who speak English like the dregs of humanity, to the detriment of our children', lamented yet another....But why?....Naturally, language changes all the time. This is a fact of life....But change is one thing. Decay is another. Is our language really changing for the worse, as some people argue? Of course not. 我們(英國)的語言是不是病了?....有位作者在日報上說:'英語的標準說話和發音已經衰落很多....讓外國人聽到,甚爲羞恥.' 另一位坦白說:當世人踴躍要學習的(英國)語言,卻在它本國內生病了!又另一位哀傷說:’在廣播電臺上和電視上的蠢才們言談英語如人類的滓渣,既困擾我們且傷害我們下一代.’....但爲什么?語言時時變化是自然性的.這是生活的事....不過變化是一回事.腐化又是另一回事.是不是我們(英國)的語言變化向壞,如一些人的爭辯? 當然不是! Jean Aitchison, The Language web, Cambridge University Press,1997, p.1-4.


    下面是 N.Z. The Daily Post, Nov.13 1998 刊出的一段新聞.英語教師看了再看,也不懂.可證實英國高等人士的傷感是很有道理.


EDINBURGH.-Without a word of a pork pie, any stair dancer boffing a woodentop might find themselves doing a runner in their Claire Rayners as a jam sandwich gives chase.


It doesn't make sense but it's acceptable language, according to the Oxford Dictionary of Slang published today.



    下面是普通英國人在報章上反對語言專家 Jean Aitchison 教授的語氣:


"Madam, how dare you distort, desecrate and defile the English language..."

Aitchison 教授經過長篇大論後寫:

"....總之,我曾經講授語言學超過四份一世紀的時間,又寫了幾本書關於語言的問題,所以我應該瞭解語言的問題多過很多人.”....After all, I have lectured on linguistics for more than a quarter of a century, and written several books on the topic, so I much know more about it than many people. Jean Aitchison, The Language web, Cambridge University Press, 1997, p.98-103


24.2  The IPA, developed in 1880, was originally intended to have a distinctive symbol for every sound made in human language. Although such a goal was dropped as impratical, a shortened IPA continues to do extensive service. ( Colliers Encyclopedia, v.1, p.606, James W. Gair)


1880 年製作的國際音標,原本想設計不同的符號來代表不同的人類(基本)語音。雖然這個目標,因為不實用而被廢除,但是一少部份國際音標仍然得到廣泛的使用。


24.3 More likely to be adopted are substantially altered versions of Latin writing intended to teach children and illiterate adults to read well, before exposing them to the irrationalties of the tradion system.ITA is entended for use only in the first year of school, while the fundamentals of reading are being acquired. Toward the end of the first grade it is replacedby the Latin alphabet, and irregularities in writing, such as capital letters, are gradually introduced. ( Colliers Encyclopedia, v.1, p.606, James W. Gair)


24.4   While English is one of the worst in this respect, most languages suffer from a bad fit between speaking and writing. French, for example, spells the zh sound with a ge in rouge (red)and with a j in jardin (garden). The result has been an inordinate amount of difficulty in the learning of readinf and spelling. In some countries the difficlty of the writing system has ever been a barrier to literacy. ( Colliers Encyclopedia, v.1, p.604, James W. Gair)


25. The English language has always been one of the battlegrounds of Anglo-American rivalry, a fascinating window on to the tensions of the "special relationship". 英語(範圍)已經成爲美國人與英國人的爭鬥戰地,一場緊張的"特別關係"鬥爭正在演出. Robert McCrum, William Cran, Robert Macneil, The story of English, Faber and Faber, 1986, p.235


In 1789, Webster published his Dissertations on the English Language, announcing a fiery, almost evangelical, commitment to the separation of American English from its parent. 1789年,韋氏印行他的詳論英語,極烈發表,似乎傳教性的,志力把美國英語從它的母語分離Robert McCrum , William Cran, Robert Macneil, The story of English, Faber and Faber, 1986, p.241


Benjamin Franklin had a special interest in English spelling and was the first American to propose its reform. 法郎克林氏對英語拼音特別感興趣。他是第一個美國人提議拼音改革.

Noah Webster's dictionary aimed to eradicate English pronunciation, indicating "fore-head" instead of "forrid". American speech is still more measured than English....In retrospect, Webster's influence on American spelling was enormous.韋氏詞典志在擦除英國發音,指明用 fore-head(額)代 forrid.美國語言能力仍然含有量度過英語.....回顧過去,韋氏對於美國語言的拼音影響力是極龐大 Robert McCrum , William Cran, Robert Macneil, The story of English, Faber and Faber, 1986, p.242.


In 1828, Dr. Webster published his Dictionary of the English Language, and the changes in spelling advocated by him have had no inconsiderable influence upon orthography, especially in the United States.  1828年,Webster氏之英文字典出版後,他所主張各種拼法的改變,影響甚大,而于美國尤爲甚International Dictionary,1965, Orthography, p.2


In 1802 the United States Congress recorded the first use of the phrase, "the American language". 1802年,美國國會曾記錄第一次使用『美國語言』的詞句Robert McCrum , William Cran, Robert Macneil, The story of English, Faber and Faber, 1986, p.236.


乙.After all, English is not an official language in the United States, though there are current moves to designate it as such.  最後,英語不是美國聯邦的官方語言,雖然如此,目前有些運動指定英文爲官方語言. Sydney Greenbaum, The Oxford English Grammar, Oxford University Press, 1996, p.13.


筆者觀點:也許讀者認爲上段文是錯誤的翻譯?筆者肯定不錯!<英語不是美國聯邦的官方語言>. 英語與美語,不但在語音方面已有顯明的不同,在文詞意義方面也有些不同了.美國人不接納一些英文詞語.英國人也吐棄美國的語文.英語和美語的鬥爭是不可避免的.


26.The international presence of English has not been welcomed everywhere. In some  countries English has been viewed as having malign influence on local languages, contaminating their purity by infiltrating large numbers of foreign words. Official resistance to English loanwords is fiercest in France, where they have been moved by the government to bar their use in the media, advertising, and official documents. 英語,在國際上,不是到處都受歡迎的.有些國家卻認爲英語曾毒害他們的國語,大量的外語侵入,污染他們純潔的語言.最猛烈抵抗借用英語的國家是法國.官方正式禁止傳媒,廣告,和公文上使用英文. Sydney Greenbaum, The Oxford English Grammar, Oxford University Press, 1996, p.578.

本页发布2002/10/18 上次更新2002/10/18  最近更新2002/10/18


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