
中  文


○ 【中易系統】

3 易·中文·中易系統………………………………………………戚桐欣

○ 【語用修辭】

10 論商業品牌的語用文化……………………………………………常敬宇

13 漫談社交場合中首要的禮儀用語──稱呼語……………………單 强 宮延軍

19 新世紀的春雷──2001年至2002年修辭學專著評述⑵…………宗廷虎

26 論修辭的本體定位…………………………………………………馮壽忠

33 一詞一字通五官……………………………………………………趙升奎

○ 【數碼中文】

35 中文卦爻化…………………………………………………………戚桐欣

41 空谷足音……………………………………………………………丁陳漢蓀

○ 【語言文字】

46 緊縮句型的辨正分析………………………………………………陳兆福

51 字母詞家族概觀……………………………………………………魏錦虹

54 漢字知識講座之——国(國)……………………………………倪永宏

○ 【文學藝術】

55 對羅曼·英迦登作品層次分析論的再認識………………………韓繼磊

59 黯然銷魂的長亭送別──《西厢記》第四本第三折賞析………黨月异

○ 【風俗文化】

61 論原始婚俗的遺留…………………………………………………吳存浩

66 少數民族入主中原各民族文化融合的原因及走向………………楊泉良

○ 【口才文化】

70 厚積與勃發——談知識積累與口才的關係………………………秋 原

○ 【中文教學】

74 華語文電腦教學——從研討會來看其發展………………………信世昌

81 「反思模式」與教師專業發展……………………………………田瑞雲

87 閱讀教學要重視學生想象能力的培養……………………………鍾希高

91 中學語文研究性閱讀法……………………………………………肖明清

○ 【心繫中文】

95 學識兩長,史論雙美——宗廷虎教授對中國修辭學的貢獻……高萬雲

○ 【書法藝術】

103 唐詩「破體」釋正——《管錐編》勘誤之一……………………王煥林

109 郭偉書法作品選登…………………………………………………郭 偉



3 Yi,Chinese,Chinese Binary System
Qi tong-xin

10 ON the language usage culture of commercial brands
Chang jing-yu

13 Discussion on the polite language--addressing ways in communication
Shan qiang Gong yan-jun

19 Comment on the Rhetorics from 2001 to 2002
Zong ting-hu

26 On the orientation of rhetoric
Feng shou-zhong

33 On the close relationship between words and the five senses
Zhao sheng-kui

35 On the divinatory symbolization of Chinese
Qi tong-xin

41 Unexpected good news from the silicon valley
Ding-chen han-sun

46 A dialetical analysis of condensed sentence patterns
Chen zhao-fu

51 A general overview of the family of alphabets and words
Wei jin-hong

54 A lecture on the Chinese character—nation
Ni yong-hong

55 Recomprehension of the analysis of Roman Ingarden’s works at differentlevels
Han ji-lei

59 Appreciaiton and analysis of the third act of the fourth part of a Tale of
Xixiang---the saliest moving part of the opera
Dang yue-yi

61 On the remains of the primitive marriage customes
Wu cun-hao

66 On the causes and orientation of conquering the central part of China byminorities and the assimilation of the cultures of different nations
Yang quan-liang

70 A discussion on the relationship between accumulation of knowledge andeloquence

74 The Development of Computer-assisted Chinese Instruction--The perspective
based on the Conferences Holding
Hsin Shih-Chang

81 On the model of reflection and teachers’ progress in their own fields
Tian rui-yun

87 On the importance of cultivating the imagination ability of the students in readingclasses
Zhong xi-gao

91 On the study reading methods of Chinese classes in middle schools
Xiao ming-qing

95 An introduction to Professor Zong Tinghu’s contributions to China’s rhetoric
Gao wan-yun

103 One of the corrections of Guanzhuibian
Wang huan-lin

109 elections of Guo Wei’s calligraphy works
Guo wei




2005/10/29发布 《中文》第二期(2003年4月)


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中易系統 Chinese Binary System

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