
中  文


○ 【語用修辭】

  5 新世紀的春雷——2001年至2002年修辭學專著述評…………………宗廷虎

 10 漢語修辭學的界點聚焦…………………………………………………陳兆福

 19 試論比喻的模糊性………………………………………………………韓慶玲

○ 【數碼中文】

 28 中文數碼化………………………………………………………………戚桐欣

 34 矽齋禪思………………………………………………………………丁陳漢蓀

○ 【語言文字】

 38 融合性複句試析…………………………………………………………馮壽忠

 44 小議數量短語的描述功能………………………………………………陳 群

 46 從文字學看兩岸中文……………………………………………………戚桐欣

 52 漢字知識講座:法………………………………………………………倪永宏

○ 【中文教學】

 53 尊重差异培養個性是落實課標新理念的操作平臺……………………田瑞雲

 57 「認定排除法」在語文考試中的運用…………………………………甄士田

○ 【文學藝術】

 62 節奏緣起芻議……………………………………………………………于培杰

 69 鍾榮《詩品》「怨論」概說……………………………………………楊希順

 76 「虛靜」與作家本真人格的涵養………………………………………劉國貞

○ 【哲學宗教】

 81 《肇論》對禪宗的影響…………………………………………………李洪武

 84 禪宗心性美學論析………………………………………………………王宏田

○ 【民風民俗】

 89 《紅樓夢》女性「纏足」商榷…………………………………………王憲明

 93 民族融合中風俗的相互影響及其規律…………………………………楊泉良

○ 【心繫中文】

 98 黎運漢先生學術活動要略……………………………………劉鳳玲 馮壽忠




5 Comment on the Rhetorics from 2001 to 2002    Zong ting-hu

10 The Scope and Focus of Chinese Rhetoric    Chen zhao-fu

19 On the Ambiguousness of Metaphor    Han qing-ling

28 The Digital calligraphy of Chinese language    Qi tong-xin

34 Reflections on Zen Buddhism    Ding-Chen han-xun

38 Initial Analysis on multi-classified integrated sentences    Feng shou-zhong

44 A Brief Dicussion of the Descriptive Function of Numeral phrases   Chen-qun

46 Chinese in the Main land and Taiwan as Examined from the Differentwriting systems    Qi tong-xin

52 A lecture on Chinese charaters    Ni yong-hong

53 Esteem of Difference and cultivation of Individuality-the foundation of the Realization of the New project's principles    Tian rui-yun

57 The use of "Eliminition Method" in the Examinations of Chinese    Zhen shi-tian

62 A Tentitive Explanation of the origin of Rhythm    Yu pei-jie

69 Brief comment on the Zhong Rong's poetry    Yang xi-shun

76 Nihility and calmless,the self-Restraintment of the Author's Truepersonality    Liu guo-zhen

81 Zhao Theory's influence over Zen    Li hong-wu

84 Brief analysis no the Dhyana soul Aesthetics    Wang hong-tian

89 A Discussion of the Female's foot-binding in A Dream of
Red mansions   Wang xian-ming

93 The mutual Influence of Different customs in Folk customAmalgamation and It's Features    Yang quan-liang

98 A Brief Introduction to Mr,Li Yunhan's Academic life    Liu feng-ling, Feng shou-zhong

106 The Flowery Glow    Zeng zhi-peng



2005/10/21发布 《中文》創刊號(2003 年4月)


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