
WPE文集   Read for Fun

事情发生在9. 11恐怖袭击、美国出兵阿富汗之后。




 Hou Yong-zheng 改写

An Afghan woman walks up to George W. Bush ,American President, holding some sharp scissors (剪刀)and razors (刀片). Stretching his neck and bending his head, Bush sits in his chair, motionless.

I’m not kiding (kidding ),this is 100% true. But why ? Is Bush that brave ?

Yes, Bush is that brave, and so is everybody else around the world. The above scene happens once two weeks. The Afghan woman is the President’s barber(理发师)[1],who greatly admires the President .

After the event of September 11, the barber has lost 20 clients (顾客),which upsets her a lot . To her, they are all her old friends since they’ve known each other for a long time.

Luckily, she didn’t lose the President. According to her, Bush has always been kind to her. And when she told him what had happened to her lately, the President was shocked .

The Afghan barber has served many VIPs [2],including 3 US Presidents and Mrs. Thatcher, the former British Prime Minister . Every time President Bush pays her 30 dollars for her service and as for the tip (小费), she said the President was “very generous” .

  1. 这里把原文的hairdresser 改成barber 是因为barber更符合简明化、国际化原则,“理发师”在西班牙语中有barbero这种写法,世界语写作 barbiro

  2. VIP very important person “要人,大人物 ”的缩写




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