
Read for fun                                 趣味阅读          

 ( 1 )宠物鱼(用WPE改写的故事)


                          1 A Pet FishA story in WPE

   Once there was an Indian who had a pet fish named Tommywhich he kept in a barrel (桶). But the fish got very big and the Indian had to change the water very much to keep him alive . He was too lazy to do that , and he thought he would teach the fish to live out of water . So he did . He began by taking Tommy out of the barrel for a few minutes at a time , very often , and then he took him out oftener and kept him out longer , and after a time Tommy got so he could stay out a good while if he was in the wet grass.

   Then the Indian found he could leave him in the wet grass all night , and very soon that Tommy could live in the shade whether the grass was wet or not .He used to follow the Indian around very much , and when the Indian went out to dig worms for him to eat ,Tommy went along  too and got some for himself . The Indian thought everything of that fish , and when Tommy got so he didn’t need any water at all , but could go anywhere-----down the dusty road and stay all day out in the hot sun----you never saw the Indian without his fish . Some people wanted to buy Tommy , but the Indian said he wouldn’t sell a fish like that for any money . You’d see him coming to town with Tommy following along the road behind ,just like a dog , only of course he traveled like a snake .

   Well, it was very sad that Indian lost his fish , and it was curious , too . He started for town one day with Tommy coming along behind , as usual . There was a bridge in the road and when the Indian came to it he saw there was a hole in it , but he went on over it without thinking . A little later he looked round for Tommy and Tommy wasn’t there . He went bakback[] a way and called , but he couldn’t see anything of his pet . Then he came to the bridge and saw the hole , and he thought right away that maybe his fish had got in there. So he went to the hole and looked down , and sure enough ,there was Tommy , floating on the water ,bottom-side up . He’d fallen through that hole into the river and drowned .

 注:WPE采取稳妥渐进的分步走的拼写改革,第一阶段只将读/k/ ch 改写成 k,去掉不发音的C,涉及的词不多,总的变化很小。


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